florbalová liga
01.12.2014 16:23:05

Registration fee for Hummel Open Game 2015:
The registration fee is 150 EUR. It has to be paid until April 30, 2015. Team, which will not pay the fee in a given term, will be excluded from the registrations to the tournament.
In case of the cancelation from the team the payment is not refundable after April 30, 2015.

ID wristbands:
The individual fee for tournament wristband is 10 EUR for each player and 6 EUR for each youth player.
The fee includes: entrance to all matches of the HUMMEL OPEN GAME, identification wristband, free public transport for all tournament, entrance to the floorball party and other accompanying activities. The accompanying program will be updated on the website. The individual fee for each player or the member of the team has to be paid at latest  at the registration day. The payment of the individual fee is obligatory.

autor: Dan Koubek




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