florbalová liga
01.12.2014 17:25:37

Rope center Jungle Park -

50% discount from entrance for the tournament participants.

Jungle Park is a rope center located in the heart of Brno. The rope center is close to Riviera swimming pool. It currently offers fun and adrenalin in the trees for all on four rope routes. You can also enjoy two 40 meters long crossings over the river Svratka.

Make the reservation one day in advance, but it is possible they will accept you on spot. It depends on the time possibilities of local instructors. THEREFORE, ALWAYS CALL THEM FIRST. You can count with time 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. The last entry is at 7 p.m.

Rope Centre Jungle Park
Bauerova 5, 612 00 Brno
GPS 49 ° 10'57.38 "N; 16 ° 34'26.73" E
Phone number: +420 775 586 453

Tento článek si četlo již: 753 čtenářů
autor: Dan Koubek




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