florbalová liga
22.01.2015 12:31:33

Vojta Procházka, man in the backround of the interesting team IBK Plantážníci, answered few questions for us. Team that he put together brought a medal from Swedish Gothia Cup.

1. What was the quality in Sweden?
The quality in Sweden was very high. From the beginning we had problems to work together and we didn’t play confidently, but we realized it at the right time and started to play much better.

2. How successful have you been there?
We succeeded quite a lot I think, although we lost one game in the basic group, we were better team for sure. The most tough game was in the eight final, the last games were relatively easier, e.g. the quarterfinal against Helsingborg that we won 6:1.

3. What team are you going to bring to Brno?
The tournament in Brno is after another tournament in Sweden where he will attend and we will have stronger line-up than at Gothia.

4. Do you have an idea of the quality of the tournament in Brno?
The quality of Hummel tournament is very high! I always enjoy the atmosphere and everything connected with the tournament a lot. So I think we will enjoy it more with this team, that to be there with our original clubs.

5. Are you planning something new for Brno?
For Falun and Brno, we will have new color of jersey and team clothes again. It will be probably the only change 

6. Who is the biggest star of your team?
I know I should answer one name, but unfortunately it is not possible. Our team consists of many players from junior national team and players form the Czech highest league, so we don’t have only one start, but the constellation 

7. What are your goals for tournament in Brno?
I don’t want to sound arrogant, but we want to win. It should be a goal of every team who will come, so it’s also our goal 

Tento článek si četlo již: 462 čtenářů
autor: Dan Koubek




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