florbalová liga
01.12.2014 22:24:35

Traditionally, in the evening before the adult part of the tournament Hummel Open Game, we will meet at the sport event for lovers of shots and penalty shooting.

Already the 7th year of goalkeeper’s and shooter’s competition Shot and Save.

Registered pairs will be drawn into basic groups and according to the standing they will be drawn to the play-off.

Term: Wednesday June 24, 2015 from 5 p.m.
Place: SH Hattrick Brno and SH Start Brno
Registration fee: 20 EUR

Each match of Shot and Save is played in sets. One set consists of five penalty shots on each sides. Players of each pair alternately perform the penalty shot against the goalkeeper of the second pair. The set is over, when one pair scores more goals after five shots than the other pair.
One matches is played for two winning sets. If none pair will not score more goals after five penalties, the match continues with another series till one pair will decide with the final scored shooting with the system of “sudden death”.
The match is started by player of the pair that is named first in the match record.
Before the decisive set (the third one), the referee will draw, which pair will start first in this final set.

Tento článek si četlo již: 385 čtenářů
autor: Dan Koubek




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