florbalová liga
01.12.2014 16:30:49

Accommodation in schools
The organizer offers the possibility of the accommodation in schools. The price is 15 EUR per person per all tournament. Due to the limits early specification of the number of people is necessary.
At the school a deposit of CZK 2000/per team will be collected upon arrival. The payment will be made by bank transfer at latest on May 30, 2015. One team stays together in one classroom. Each participant has to bring own sleeping bag and mattress.
It is possible for all to take a shower in the school. It applies to all schools.
The address of the schools:
Sirotkova MAP
Millénova MAP

Accommodation in the hotel:
We are working on it…

Tento článek si četlo již: 677 čtenářů
autor: Dan Koubek




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