florbalová liga
01.12.2014 16:32:05

There is this year’s offer for the youth tournament. We will not provide the lunch packets anymore and we extended the cooperation with pizza U Kavodů. Again it includes distribution to the halls with action 1 pizza + the second one for free.

The price for breakfasts and dinners is 15 EUR per person per all tournament.
This year the dinners in schools will be distributed in unlimited time – we will wait till the teams will return from their matches!!

Make the order till June 10, 2015 on e-mail:

Thursday 18th June, 2015
Dinner: Baked pasta with turkey meat, cheese and vegetable + fruits

Friday 19th June, 2015
Breakfast: Ham, salami, cheese, vegetable, bread, hot beverage (tea, cacao)
Dinner: Sicilians spaghetti with chicken meat, muesli bar, tea, fruit drink

Sunday 20th June, 2015
Breakfast: 2x stuffed baguette, fruits, hot beverage (tea, cacao)
Dinner: Fried chicken breasts 120g, potatoes, compote, biscuit, tea

Sunday 21st June, 2015
Breakfast: 2x diet sausage 150 g, mustard, ketchup, butter, jam, fancy bread, hot beverage (tea, cacao)

It is also possible to order the gluten-free diet.

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autor: Dan Koubek




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