florbalová liga

Zug Selection won a interesting match against Jatka Matějka 6:3. After this match Johan von der Pahlen answered a few questions.

*You just played really hard match against Jatka Matějka. What do you think about this match?
I think, we have a good team, because we are Swiss players, we have very good discipline, we have runners, we fight hard, we have good collective mind. This is hard games and next match next game is Liberta, where is several my old teammates from Tatran so it would be a really prestigious game, it would be a tough game. Unfortunately for me I’m injured, I shouldn’t really play.

*What happened?
My ligaments in knee are stretched so I’m not very good fit.

*And how many times are you here on the tournament?
I think it’s mine fourth time.

*So what do you think about Hummel Open Game?
I think Hummel is the best Czech tournament which is for teams that can played players from  different teams in one team.

*Next year is the tenth year of this tournament, we hope you attend us again.
I think so yes, we will have probably the best team, because we’d like to show something extra.

*Ok great, and do you have any message for other players or teams who are thinking about participation on this tournament?
Don’t drink too much, sleep some hours and be sure to kiss the girl goodbye.

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autor: Michal Jilka




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